The Future of Geospatial is STL Made

AWS & TGI Generative AI for Geospatial Challenge Kickoff

CITY Point at SOMA House 326 S. 21st Street, St. Louis, Missouri

TGI is bringing together leading geospatial researchers and some of the largest geospatial data providers to push the boundaries of what’s possible in making the planet's data more accessible and queryable. With the broadest and most comprehensive set of cloud services, AWS is at the forefront of this transformation, empowering customers to accelerate the development … Continued


Harris-Stowe State University 3026 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri

The St. Louis Area Community of Interest (SLAC) brings together professionals from across GEOINT to create lasting educational and community pathways in the St. Louis Region. October Agenda Welcome & Introductions Welcome from Harris-Stowe State University and Taylor Geospatial Institute USGIF Update, Molly Brady, USGIF K-12 Update Review of St. Louis GeoFutures Week in September … Continued

WashU EMPOWER Volunteer Opportunity

Delmar Divine 5501 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, United States

This is an opportunity to help New Americans in our community prepare for their job search after working all semester to improve their English fluency and earn workforce certifications at the WashU Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS) Program.  As a Mock Interview Panel volunteer, you'll be asked to share your expertise, provide constructive feedback, and … Continued

Geospatial Innovation for Food Security Challenge Kickoff Workshop

T-REX 911 Washington Ave, 4th Floor, St. Louis, MO, United States

Geospatial technologies, methods, and information can help build a food secure future, from finding new ways to decide where we grow crops as the climate changes, to generating innovative models for how organizations coordinate along supply chains, to helping people see the impacts of eating well every day. TGI is assembling an interdisciplinary community of … Continued

Native Space: Mapping, Expulsion, and Confinement in 19th-century North America

Washington University - John M. Olin Library, Room 142

The fall meeting of the Geospatial Working Group features Balraj Gill, an Indigenous Studies Postdoctoral Fellow at WashU, who will discuss Native relationships with space and place as settlers colonized and transformed Native space during the 19th century in what is called North America. The talk will explore Native epistemologies of space alongside settler mapping, … Continued

GIS Day at Lindenwood University

Spellmann Center, Lindenwood University St. Charles, MO, United States

Celebrate GIS Day at Lindenwood University as an exhibitor or someone eager to share or learn how GIS and geospatial technologies are changing how we perceive, navigate, and shape our world. Here are the agenda highlights. Join us for the full day or any part of the day that works with your schedule. Agenda Highlights … Continued

T-Kartor GEOWeek Coffee Social

The Globe Building 710 N. Tucker Blvd., St. Louis, MO, United States

The team at T-Kartor invites you to casual get-together over coffee during GEOweek to connect with fellow geospatial enthusiasts and share ideas! This event will be held in person at The Globe Building, T-Kartor Suite 304. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow attendees, network, and enjoy some delicious coffee. Whether you're a seasoned professional … Continued

Protecting the Cultural Resources of the Seminole Tribe

Washington University Library Zoom

Join us as we celebrate Geography Awareness week with a virtual presentation and discussion with guests from the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Juan J. Cancel, Assistant Director of the Tribal Historic Preservation Office, and Joseph Nicholas Butler, Chief Data Analyst, will discuss their work in helping to protect and preserve cultural resources tribal lands in … Continued

GIS in Indian Country

Washington University - John M. Olin Library, Room 142

Join us as we celebrate Geography Awareness Week with a discussion featuring Garet Couch, GISP, President of the National Tribal Geographic Information Support Center (NTGISC), also known as Tribal GIS. Mr. Couch will discuss topics related to GIS activities in Indian Country, including defining Indian Country, exploring the geography of federally recognized tribes today, and … Continued

Geosaurus Unleashed: GIS in Indian Country

T-REX 911 Washington Ave, 4th Floor, St. Louis, MO, United States

Learn how Native American communities within the U.S. are using geospatial technologies to protect the past and plan for the future. Join us for Geosaurus Unleashed on Thursday, November 21st and help us celebrate Native American Heritage Month and Geography Awareness Week! The concept of geospatial knowledge is deeply rooted in tribal history, which goes … Continued

Arch Grants 2024 neXus Gala

St. Louis Union Station 1820 Market Street, St. Louis, MO, United States

#ChampionTheBold Join us at St. Louis Union Station for neXus Gala 2024: the epicenter of entrepreneurial excellence. Dive into a night where startups, visionaries, and changemakers intersect and celebrate the future of St. Louis innovation with Arch Grants. Arch Grants is the nexus that brings together the corporate, civic, and nonprofit sectors to create innovative … Continued


T-REX 911 Washington Ave, 4th Floor, St. Louis, MO, United States

GEOINT Hub, in collaboration with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is excited to invite you to GeoConnect: Navigating Geospatial Resources and Government Collaboration in St. Louis! Please join us on December 19, between 1pm and 3pm, for an opportunity to speak one on one with representatives from NGA’s Moonshot Labs, NGA’s Small Business Office, and … Continued